If there are any problems, please report them to us! Thanks!

Hey-AI-Contact Persons

Contact these mods for member or forum issues: Vorlon, kari

Contact this mod for chat issues: 1BoardMedic, Prime

Hey-AI Forum Moderators

Hey-AI Chat Moderators

Admins/Mods on Break

Former Admins/Mods

ch0co, tenshi and many more

Hey-AI-Administrator (backend)

kari, tenshi

Hey-AI was founded by Karyuu

Contact e-Mail Addresses

complaints @ hey-ai.com -> you can send us screenshots as evidences for your reports via e-mail
verify @ hey-ai.com -> verifiy your Hey-Ai user profile
help @ hey-ai.com -> in case you need help or want to ask something and can't reach us directly, e.g. because your account is blocked or you can't access the site, etc.